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International Women’s Day: Feministes Left Struggles in Europe

incontro europeo
martedì 1 marzo 2016

International Women’s Day: Feministes Left Struggles in Europe

2 March 2016 at 15.00-18.30 Room A1G2 ​European Parliament, Brussels​​


15.00-15.10 Opening by

Gabriele Zimmer (GUE/NGL) president

First session: Women Workers Rights

15.10 - 16.10 Moderated by Kostadinka Kuneva (Greece, GUE/NGL, Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality) and Joao Pimenta Lopes (Portugal,GUE/NGL, Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality)

* The role of Unions Speaker: Fátima Messias, Member of the Executive Committee of CGTP-IN

* Women Domestic Workers Speaker: Katerina Bougioukou, Women Equality Secretary of the Greek General Confederation of Labour

* Exchange of views/Debate

16.10 - 17.10

Second session: Freedom from violence and women´s rights to decide over their bodies

Moderated by Malin Björk MEP (Sweden, GUE/NGL, Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality)

* Politics of the body: The right to SRHR and abortion Speaker: Rosa San Segundo, Professor University Carlos III, University Institute of Gender Studies

* Combatting violence against women: Europe and beyond Speaker (tbc): AIDOS, the Italian Association for Women in Development

* Exchange of views/Debate

Third session: The Role of the Feminist Left Movement

Moderated by Eleonora Forenza MEP (Italy, GUE/NGL, Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality)

17.20 - 18.20 * Feminist Left Struggles: an Insight Speaker(tbc): Euro-med Feminist Initiative, IFE-EFI

18.20-18.30. *Exchange of views/Debate

Closing remarks by Malin Björk MEP (Sweden, GUE/NGL, Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality)

18.30. Cocktail

3 March 2016 at 15.00-17.00 Room PHS1C47 & PHS1C51. European Parliament, Brussels

Two parallel workshops Facilitator: GUE/NGL MEP or other representatives

15.00 - 17.00

1) Women´s Economic Independence

1) Women´s working conditions: social and labour rights * Parental Leave * Austerity / the Public sector * Pension * Economic violence as violence against women

Facilitator: Bakartxo Ruiz Jaso, member of the Parliament of the Foral Autonomy of Navarre Introductory remarks: Mayra Moro-Coco, feminist activist expert on women human rights, gender and developmen, Podemos & Alexandra Meredyth Ute Wischnewski, Die Linke

2) Women´s rights to our bodies *SRHR *VAW *Prostitution *Surrogacy

Facilitator: Anne Wizorek, initiator of German campaign "Ausnahmslos" (no excuses) Introductory remarks: Hanna Cederin, President Swedish Left Party´s Youth section & Marie Pěnčíková, Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy

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