Background: Association Najdeh, in cooperation with Arab Women’s Forum AISHA and European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI hosted throughout 2010 Arab-Euro Roundtable Discussions on Violence against Women and Security: En-Gendering Peace. Arab Women’s Forum AISHA and European Feminist Initiative IFE-EFI are two feminist networks: AISHA in the Middle East & North Africa and IFE-EFI in Europe. Together they strive to build democratic societies based on the implementation of women´s rights as human rights, gender equality and peace and security for all. The Roundtables allowed the opportunity to analyze, debate, and share perspectives and expertise in the field of violence against women, peace and security amongst feminists, human rights activists, academics and the media in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. The Roundtables further discussed ways of strengthening women’s rights in the Euro-Med region within the Istanbul Frame of Action.
In parallel to these efforts Najdeh is conducting a study in the Euro-Med region on “Structures of violence against women in peace and war”. The study examines how the patriarchal structures in the two different contexts are shaping the discourse of Human Security.
The International Conference “Structures of Patriarchal Violence against Women: En-gendering Peace and Human Security” comes in follow up to the Roundtable Discussions, in order to promote a wider discussion of the presented issues, while raising and sustaining the debate on violence against women within the concept of human security. The preliminary findings of the study will also be presented.
This conference and the above activities are supported by the International Women’s Program of the Open Society Institute.
Aims of the Conference: The Conference aims to promote a gendered approach to the study of and policy related to human security. As human security is people-centered, the Conference seeks to map out the varying forms of violence and threats women face in times of peace and war as entrenched in the existing patriarchal structures - whether at home, in society, on the street, or through the legal system. The examination of the human security paradigm and gender will consider situational and contextual analysis covering topics as diverse as democracy, secularism, citizenship, politics, religion, legislation, women’s rights, culture and tradition, societal structures and gender power relations.
The Conference will endeavor to identify the roles that different actors can have in the realization of human security for women – including governments, international organizations, feminist movements, non-governmental organizations and local communities. It is hoped that the discussions lead to influence policy – where women are not only leading safer lives free of violence but are also active agents of change in their struggle for justice, peace and equality.
Assoc. NajdehAISHA European Feminist Initiative
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